Be prepared when entering bear country this fall
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI)- After two incidents this year involving Grizzly Bears, and hunters, where the bears needed to be put down or were killed by the hunters, Idaho Fish and Game is reminding hunters to stay safe as they enter the woods.

“Be aware that you’re heading into bear country, whether it’s Black Bear or Grizzly Bear, pay attention to, where you’re going. Grizzly bear habitat in particular. Go prepared, and have a game plan at a minimum. Have bear spray, know how to use your bear spray before you get out there. Make sure your bear sprays are applicable,” Curtis Hendricks a Regional Wildlife Manager for Idaho Fish and Game.
Hendricks says there is a marginal difference this time of year between Hunters and Hikers.

“You’re actually trying to not be loud, not be noisy, you’re trying to get close to the quarry that you’re pursuing. And so there’s a little bit of challenge there, too,” Hendricks said.
While he didn’t discourage Hunters from being quiet while going after their prey, he did say to be a little more careful than you would otherwise be.

“Pay attention to all this that’s going on around you and be aware of something you know in your mind on the back of your neck. Does it make you uncomfortable? I would start making noise. I would get my bear spray out and have it accessible. You know, those thick stands of timber, you’ve seen Fresh Bear sign, that kind of stuff. I would try to make myself known, even at the risk of, you know, bumping the deer or the elk or whatever I’m pursuing,” Hendricks says.
He adds that Hunters should pay attention to their sixth sense, and if something seems wrong then it’s time to act.

“If you’re going out there and if you happen to harvest and still try to hunt in with other people, I make sure other people know where I’m at, where I’m spending my time. I would try to at least hunt with a partner. If you are fortunate enough to harvest an animal, what I would certainly do is try to process that as quickly as you can,” Hendricks said.
But perhaps the most important thing hunters should do while in Bear Country, is keep their eyes open.
“Keep your head up and on a swivel. Don’t get too locked down and focused on what you’re doing. Keep looking around. If you have the luxury of having somebody else, you know, maybe stand more of a watch out there, I would do that,” Hendricks said.
He also says to have Bear Spray with you and know how to use it. Have it readily accessible, and make sure it’s up to date.
Hendricks also says to find ways to let the bears know you’re coming in.
“Even if you have to circle to where your wind is drifting over it. So they get they get an advance notice for certain that, hey, there’s somebody in the area. Well, before you even get there would be things that I would recommend for hunters,” Hendricks said.
Hendricks also added that one thing to do is make noise as you enter the forest. For more tips from Idaho Fish and Game especially as you hunt in Grizzly Bear Country you can go here.