Download our latest interactive activity schedules, calendars and activity sheetsWhat is an activity schedule or calendar?
An activity schedule is a type of visual schedule that uses symbols, pictures, or words to show the order of activities at a given time or on a given day of the month.
Our interactive activity schedules are a free resource for you to download and are a helpful way to find lots of different activities on our website.
We have a range of activity schedules for lots of different ages, seasons and occasions.
Why should I use an activity schedule or calendar?
Activity schedules can be a great way to help you set up a new routine with your baby or toddler.
It can help you and your child set aside time each day to try something new and have some one-on-one time.
Taking time out of your day to interact with your child, even if it’s just 10 minutes, is great for developing their language, communication and social skills.
There are so many activities on our website, that it can sometimes be overwhelming to find one that works for your child at a certain time.
By putting together these activity schedules for you, we want to make the process of picking and choosing activities a little easier.